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1-on-1 Coaching Online

Ignite the Hope Program for Parents with a Child Battling Addiction

1-on-1 Coaching Online

Ignite the Hope Program for Parents with a Child Battling Addiction

What would it mean to you to experience freedom and joy again? What would it mean to you to be free of guilt, shame, and worry? To be able to completely relax and focus on your career, your hobby, and time with your family? Are you striving to achieve unprecedented levels of mental and physical well-being? What would it mean to you to have real hope for a brighter future?

I make this happen, it’s what I do.

Bottom line, I help you quickly make a few difficult decisions and create a plan that will propel you forward on your family recovery journey.

This restores your belief that you CAN experience joy and fulfillment in life again regardless of the choices of your child battling addiction.  Instead of worrying endlessly about your child, you can focus on your own spiritual and personal growth. 

The Ignite the Hope Program is a coaching program for parents with a son or daughter battling drug or alcohol addiction.  There are 5 stages to the program.  

What would it mean to you to experience freedom and joy again? What would it mean to you to be free of guilt, shame, and worry? To be able to completely relax and focus on your career, your hobby, and time with your family? Are you striving to achieve unprecedented levels of mental and physical well-being? What would it mean to you to have real hope for a brighter future?

I make this happen, it’s what I do.

Bottom line, I help you quickly make a few difficult decisions and create a plan that will propel you forward on your family recovery journey.

This restores your belief that you CAN experience joy and fulfillment in life again regardless of the choices of your child battling addiction.  Instead of worrying endlessly about your child, you can focus on your own spiritual and personal growth.  

The Ignite the Hope Program is a coaching program for parents with a son or daughter battling drug or alcohol addiction.  There are 5 stages of the program.  

Stage 1: Discover - Your Family Recovery Roadmap and Your Future Vision

Stage 2: Decide - I Help You Make & Implement Important Decisions About Your Son or Daughter Battling Addiction

Stage 3: Grow - Create & Implement a Plan for Establishing New Healthy Habits

Stage 4: Create - I Help You Establish Written Healthy Boundaries

Stage 5: Let Go! -  Let Go of Any Unhealthy Emotions, Thoughts or Habits That May be Holding You Back from the Life of Your Dreams

Stage 1: Discover - Your Family Recovery Roadmap and Your Future Vision

Stage 2: Decide - I Help You Make & Implement Important Decisions About Your Son or Daughter Battling Addiction

Stage 3: Grow - Create & Implement a Plan for Establishing New Healthy Habits

Stage 4: Create - I Help You Establish Written Healthy Boundaries

Stage 5: Let Go! -  Let Go of Any Unhealthy Emotions, Thoughts or Habits That May be Holding You Back from the Life of Your Dreams

There are skills that are specific to communicating with a person battling addiction. The Ignite the Hope Program will assist you with enhancing your communication abilities when interacting with your loved one who is facing addiction. (learning to speak the language of addiction)

You will have the opportunity to meet with me weekly (1-hour via Zoom).  I will give you assignments to work on each week that will move you along through the stages of the family recovery roadmap (see attached image).  I will follow up each session with an email synopsis of our meeting and the action items for the upcoming week.   

In addition, if you have a situation that requires urgent emotional support, you can reach out to me with a phone call.  To get your non-urgent questions answered, you can communicate with me through Slack, Voxer, or WhatsApp. 

Any questions you have about potential treatment options or how to handle specific communication issues will be answered in our meetings. 

The Ignite the Hope Program Includes:

There are skills that are specific to communicating with a person battling addiction. The Ignite the Hope Program will assist you with enhancing your communication abilities when interacting with your loved one who is facing addiction. (learning to speak the language of addiction)

You will have the opportunity to meet with me weekly (1-hour via Zoom).  I will give you assignments to work on each week that will move you along through the stages of the family recovery roadmap (see attached image).  I will follow up each session with an email synopsis of our meeting and the action items for the upcoming week.   

In addition, if you have a situation that requires urgent emotional support, you can reach out to me with a phone call.  To get your non-urgent questions answered, you can communicate with me through Slack, Voxer, or WhatsApp. 

Any questions you have about potential treatment options or how to handle specific communication issues will be answered in our meetings. 

The Ignite the Hope Program Includes:

  • Up to forty-eight 1-hour 1-on-1 coaching calls per year, either by Zoom or phone .  Usually scheduled weekly.  Payments can be made monthly or annually.  There are shorter-term options available, but I recommend the full 1-year program for best results. 

  • Accountability: Built-in to the program  

  • Answers to non-urgent questions via Voxer, Slack, or WhatsApp.

  • Access to my online course includes more than 3 hours of video plus worksheets and quizzes that will educate you about addiction and provide encouragement.

  • Intervention coaching, if needed

  • In-person intervention conducted by me for an additional discounted fee if needed.

  • Up to two S.O.S. calls per quarter.  

  • Up to forty-eight 1-hour 1-on-1 coaching calls per year, either by Zoom or phone .  Usually scheduled weekly.  Payments can be made monthly or annually.  There are shorter-term options available, but I recommend the full 1-year program for best results. 

  • Accountability – Built-in to the program  

  • Answers to non-urgent questions via Voxer, Slack, or WhatsApp.

  • Access to my online course – includes more than 3 hours of video plus worksheets and quizzes that will educate you about addiction and provide encouragement.

  • Intervention coaching, if needed

  • In-person intervention conducted by me for an additional discounted fee if needed.

  • Up to two S.O.S. calls per quarter.  



I collaborate with other interventionists through a platform called Intervention On Call.  You can book an online or telephone consultation with me or another interventionist through the Intervention On Call platform here:

I collaborate with other interventionists through a platform called Intervention On Call.  You can book an online or telephone consultation with me or another interventionist through the Intervention On Call platform here:

You can expect your consultation to cover all major facets of the planning process, including:

  • Determining whether your loved one needs an intervention: Is a confrontation necessary? How severe is their substance use disorder? Our experts will help you decide how to proceed.

  • Choosing the members of your intervention team: How many people should you invite, and how do you decide which friends and family members would be good contributors? We’ll help you build a team with influence and leverage.

  • Educating yourself and your family members about the disease of addiction: Addiction is a confusing and overwhelming condition, and healing requires treatment, not willpower. The more your family knows about substance use disorder, the better prepared they will be to intervene.

  • Understanding what enabling looks like (and how to stop it): shielding your loved one from the natural consequences of their actions is a form of enabling that can perpetuate a substance use disorder. We’ll teach you how to set boundaries and stop for good.

  • Writing effective letters: Letters can help your intervention team convey their feelings and explain the impact that your loved one’s addiction has had on the family unit. However, it’s important to write effective letters free of judgment and blame. Your interventionist will walk you through the process of crafting letters that cut through denial and inspire change.

  • Coordinating the order of events: Our interventionists will help you to plan the entire conversation from start to finish, ensuring that you have the best chance of getting through to your loved one.

  • Predicting their reactions: People addicted to drugs or alcohol are masters of excuses. They may come up with any number of reasons as to why they can’t go to treatment just yet. Our interventionists have heard it all. They’ll let you know what to expect and how to counter your loved one’s protestations.

  • Protecting your emotional safety: When someone you love is addicted, you’ll feel overwhelmed, anxious, sad, and maybe even traumatized. Our experts will give you the tools you need to remain emotionally safe throughout the process.

  • Deciding what comes next: Finally, our interventionists can help you determine what will happen after your loved one’s intervention.

You can expect your consultation to cover all major facets of the planning process, including:

  • Determining whether your loved one needs an intervention: Is a confrontation necessary? How severe is their substance use disorder? Our experts will help you decide how to proceed.

  • Choosing the members of your intervention team: How many people should you invite, and how do you decide which friends and family members would be good contributors? We’ll help you to build a team with influence and leverage.

  • Educating yourself and your family members about the disease of addiction: Addiction is a confusing and overwhelming condition, and healing requires treatment, not willpower. The more your family knows about substance use disorder, the better prepared they will be to intervene.

  • Understanding what enabling looks like (and how to stop): Shielding your loved one from the natural consequences of their actions is a form of enabling that can perpetuate a substance use disorder. We’ll teach you how to set boundaries and stop for good.

  • Writing effective letters: Letters can help your intervention team convey their feelings and explain the impact that your loved one’s addiction has had on the family unit. However, it’s important to write effective letters free of judgment and blame. Your interventionist will walk you through the process of crafting letters that cut through denial and inspire change.

  • Coordinating the order of events: Our interventionists will help you to plan the entire conversation from start to finish, ensuring that you have the best chance of getting through to your loved one.

  • Predicting their reactions: People addicted to drugs or alcohol are masters of excuses. They may come up with any number of reasons as to why they can’t go to treatment just yet. Our interventionists have heard it all. They’ll let you know what to expect and how to counter your loved one’s protestations.

  • Protecting your emotional safety: When someone you love is addicted, you’ll feel overwhelmed, anxious, sad, and maybe even traumatized. Our experts will give you the tools you need to remain emotionally safe throughout the process.

  • Deciding what comes next: Finally, our interventionists can help you determine what will happen after your loved one’s intervention.

Sometimes an online consultation is all you need to solve the crisis you’re experiencing with your loved one battling addiction.  However, there are times when you may need a professional interventionist to travel to your location to conduct the intervention in-person.

Sometimes an online consultation is all you need to solve the crisis you’re experiencing with your loved one battling addiction.  However, there are times when you may need a professional interventionist to travel to your location to conduct the intervention in-person.

The thing that sets me apart from others who work in a similar space is that I am a parent who has walked this path myself.  I get what parents are going through.  I’ve learned how to repurpose emotional pain into a catalyst for personal and spiritual growth and transformation.  This has allowed me to become more resilient and to have better control over my emotions.  These are the types of things I can help you with.  We’re never too old to experience new growth and new adventures in life. 

The thing that sets me apart from others who work in a similar space is that I am a parent who has walked this path myself.  I get what parents are going through.  I’ve learned how to repurpose emotional pain into a catalyst for personal and spiritual growth and transformation.  This has allowed me to become more resilient and to have better control over my emotions.  These are the types of things I can help you with.  We’re never too old to experience new growth and new adventures in life. 

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